Defense News Guru
Your once-a-day resource for the day's Top 5 defense contracts.
3 wins for LMT
Raytheon gets $1 billion for F-22 Raptor parts
AVAV lands its biggest contract ever (that we know of)
LMT wins $3.4 billion for GMLRS rockets (3 guesses where they're going)
Billions awarded to ACN, RTX, and LMT
Privately-held Anduril picks up $642M for C-UAS defense -- and other defense news.
$LMT, $GD, and eight others split a near-$1B Army training systems contract.
For the first time in 15 years, the Navy is developing nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. They even have an acronym all picked out: Nuclear-Armed, Sea-Launched Cruise Missile-Nuclear (SLCM-N).
$LMT nets $100M in new funding for H-53 helicopter program.
U.S. Navy hires a new rocket-maker -- for $268.4 million.
How much is AI worth? At least $97.5 million, according to the U.S. Army.
General Dynamics wins $655 million for aircraft carrier maintenance in shipyard.
We return to our regularly scheduled programming.
Have you ever wondered how much it costs the Navy to buy 68 UAVs?